
Orthopedic surgeons perform total knee replacement

戴金宝医院 provides exceptional orthopedic surgery, 手术前后的全面和支持性的护理,以确保您最好的结果和最快的恢复.

我们提供完整的骨科手术护理,包括:髋关节和膝关节置换术 utilizing Mako robotic arm-assisted technology; spine care 和 surgery; h和, elbow 和 shoulder surgery; 和 foot 和 ankle surgery.

Why Choose 戴金宝医院?

It's your choice where you have your surgery performed. Tell your primary care provider or specialist you choose 戴金宝医院.

The Only Hospital in the Region to Hold All of These Significant Distinctions:

  • Joint Commission Gold Seal of Approval for 臀部 和 膝盖 Replacement
  • Cigna Center of Excellence for 臀部 和 膝盖 Replacement
  • BlueCross BlueShield Blue Distinction Center for 臀部 和 膝盖 Replacement
  • 髋关节和膝关节置换术的并发症发生率在该地区所有医院中最低
  • Highest rating for overall patient satisfaction among all hospitals in the region

Not Just 手术护理 - Comprehensive, Supportive Wrap-Around Care


  • 手术前, 我们的疼痛管理诊所在适当的时候提供非手术缓解与骨科疾病相关的疼痛,作为第一线治疗,直到手术成为必要.
  • 一旦安排了手术, 我们独特的联合学院为接受全关节置换术的患者提供了顺利和快速体验所需的所有信息, 完全康复, including: h和s-on look at the replacement implant; exercises to do prior to surgery that will help to speed healing after; what to expect on the day of surgery; 和 what to do 和 expect during the recovery period.
  • 手术后,我们的康复和家庭护理人员将帮助您康复. 我们的住院物理治疗团队会让您在康复过程中有一个良好的开端, 以最小的痛苦. 我们的门诊理疗师将在您出院后与您一起继续并完成您的康复. And if you need care or help at home in the meantime, our Day Kimball医疗保健 at 首页 services are here for you too.


整形外科手术 Services at 戴金宝医院:

Arthroscopic 膝盖 和 Shoulder Surgery
关节镜手术包括在受损关节附近做一个小切口,然后插入关节镜观察关节内部. An arthroscope is like a tiny telescope with a light 和 video camera. While viewing the area magnified on a monitor, the surgeon is able to identify 和 repair the damaged area. This is usually a one-day surgery.

The ACL, or Anterior Cruciate Ligament, is one of four main ligaments in the knee. ACL重建是在ACL遭受严重或完全撕裂时进行的. 在手术过程中, a graft is used to replace the ACL. 手术通常在关节镜下进行(使用带灯和摄像机的小型望远镜)。, but may also be done as a traditional open surgery. It may be done under either regional or general anesthesia. 关节镜前交叉韧带手术通常是一天的手术,不需要在医院过夜. The recovery time after ACL surgery is significant, 然而, ranging from four to six months, 和 requires rehabilitative therapy.

拇囊炎是一种不正常的骨肿块,发生在脚趾底部与足部相连的地方. Bunions can be extremely painful. 拇囊炎切除术包括在脚趾的顶部或侧面做一个切口,去除受影响的跖骨头部分. (Metatarsals are the five long bones that run the length of the foot, 附在方阵上的, 或者脚趾骨, 在他们的头上.) The procedure is usually done with a local anesthetic; a sedative may also be given. It is a one-day surgery performed through ourACU.

腕管是手腕上的一个小空间,正中神经和一些肌腱穿过它, 从你的手臂到你的手. When the carpal tunnel is made smaller due to swelling or other injury, this can result in carpal tunnel syndrome, 这就是痛苦, tingling 和 other problems in your h和. 当损伤严重或非手术治疗无效时, 手术可以减轻正中神经的压力并缓解症状. 在手术过程中, 形成腕管顶部的韧带被切开为正中神经提供更多的空间. This can be done by traditional open surgery, 或者内窥镜手术, which involves making a smaller incision 和 working with an endoscope (a thin, 灵活的, lighted viewing instrument) to view the surgical site 和 make the repairs. This is a one-day procedure performed through our ACU.


脊柱 (back 和 neck) Care 和 Surgery
我们为那些背部或颈部疼痛的患者提供多种治疗选择,包括 疼痛管理物理治疗. 但是当非手术方法不能减轻你的疼痛时,手术就有必要了, you can rest assured that we provide the highest possible level of care. 脊柱外科手术用于治疗影响背部和颈部的各种疾病, 比如椎间盘突出, degenerative 和 arthritic conditions of the spine, 骨折, narrowing of the spinal canal (spinal stenosis), abnormal growths (tumors) 和 infection (abscess). Our associated spine surgeon is an expert in performing the latest, 使用最新设备进行背部和颈部手术的最安全,侵入性最小的技术.

Total 臀部 和 膝盖 Replacement
Our comprehensive hip 和 knee replacement program utilizes Mako robotic arm-assisted technology 和 is nationally distinguished for its quality of care 和 outcomes. 戴国内买球的正规网站有哪些获得了髋关节和膝关节置换术联合委员会的金章认可,并被命名为蓝十字蓝盾蓝区分中心和信诺髋关节和膝关节置换术卓越中心. 我们独特的联合学院帮助我们的关节置换患者了解预期的情况以及如何准备,以便获得最佳的体验和恢复. 在本地区所有医院中,我们的手术并发症率最低.
Visit our 臀部 和 膝盖 Replacement page for further information >

肩关节置换手术包括用金属或塑料和金属衬里的人造表面替换肱骨(上臂骨)和肩胛骨(肩胛骨)的末端. This is done under general anesthesia 和 requires an inpatient hospital stay. As with our hip 和 knee replacement surgeries, our team of orthopedic surgeons, 护士和理疗师将在你术后恢复期间继续与你一起工作,以确保最好的结果,并在恢复后最大限度地发挥你的身体潜力.

Traumatic Injury Repair (bone 骨折, 肌肉和肌腱损伤)
我们的高技能骨科医生团队可以治疗和修复无数的创伤骨, 肌肉和肌腱损伤.

计费 & 支付信息

Please note that billing for surgical procedures will be submitted to your insurance carrier by more than one party; the physician’s practice for surgical services, 戴国内买球的正规网站有哪些提供设施服务,北美麻醉合作伙伴(NAPA)提供麻醉服务(如适用). Please check with your insurance carrier for details about your specific coverage, 元钱, deductibles 和 any prior authorization requirements. 如果您对Day Kimball医院的账单有疑问或需要帮助支付护理费用, 请国内买球的正规网站有哪些的团队 金融咨询师. 看到我们的 计费页面 了解更多信息.

Other Services Integrated with 整形外科手术

物理医学 & 康复: Physical Therapy
物理医学 & 康复: Occupational Therapy 
诊断服务: 诊断成像


手术护理: Important 病人 Instructions 和 信息
手术护理: Mako Robotic Technology for 臀部s & 膝盖
戴金宝医院: Ambulatory Care Unit
戴金宝医院: Brousseau Surgical Suite
戴金宝医院: Medical/Surgical Inpatient Unit
戴金宝医院: Admissions 信息
戴金宝医院: Campus Map 和 Directory
支持团体 (See “Prepare for Surgery, Heal Faster” Program )



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